Friday, January 27, 2017

only news: brightest shoes ever

i have nothing useful to report. i run. the other day i ran 9.5 miles. i didn't die. so, that's good.

often when i run, the place on the ball of my left foot where my toes meet the rest of my foot aches. ... like i'm growing an extra bone there, is how i describe it. let's assume i'm not growing a new bone. however: it hurts. also, it hurts when i don't run. actually it often hurts less when i run than when i don't. this ... seems wrong.

my approach has been to never wear heels, and to buy new running shoes with some more padding, and to ignore it. the new shoes just happened yesterday so i will try running in them tomorrow for the first time. maybe it will help? i'm kind of convinced it's just that the messed up angle of my toe/ankle/everything on my left side (caused initially from wrenching my ankle at gymnastics when i was like 14) is catching up with me in my dotage (yeah kidding i'm 37) and anyway it's just going to be like this forever. ... i realize as i say that that it's hopefully not true? anyway: i'm gonna assume the new shoes will fix it.

also the new shoes are VERY BRIGHT. and they were VERY ON SALE, so that's cool. but seriously: they are called RUNPOPS. their shade of lime green is not subtle. ... at least i will not get confused with a deer.

my 30k race is in 2 months (minus 2 days). ... when i write it like that it is alarming. anyway, i told my calendar my long run distances for the next 8 weeks, remembering that there is a week of travel in a month, and trying to go into the race on not-tired legs. so! my calendar says i should run 15k tomorrow. so, i will do that. ... that's only halfway? good god. what was i thinking.

the point is: goodnight.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

up and down

in the new year so far, i have run a fair bit, although not as long as i ever want to. but i have also been including HILLS... today i did 2.5 murderous miles of hill training on a treadmill and basically died. i am now dead. after that, i taught a strength class, but mostly was dead.

this weekend i'm going to new york (we're getting one of the gangs back together) and i aim to run in a park (with any luck both central and prospect parks) and also have a raucous good time. so, running might be a little slow some mornings.

... aaand, so what am i training for? in a cruel twist of fate, i was literally on the website signing up for my planned february 25k night trail race when the race site updated to say they had SOLD OUT! horrid! rage!

... so i responded of course by rashly signing up for the 30k race in march. ... and the second half of that race has HILLS... which brings us back to where we started.

after next week, i will have a little more time to breathe, and with my deep breaths i will get some more long runs in. i've done a couple 9-10 milers since boxing day but there will need to be more double digits to survive ATB with some modicum of dignity.
