Saturday, March 11, 2017

Two weeks away; just some legit freaking out

When I'm running, and when I'm not running but thinking about running, I'm always thinking about things I want to blog about here.
And then when I get here, I think: what the fuck did I think I wanted to talk about?


Two weeks ago I got freaked enough about my upcoming 30k race that I decided to run the distance... So, I ran 10k every day for 3 days. That went fine. I was more tired on day 3 than day 1 but not especially so.

Last weekend, I ran for 9 somewhat hilly miles by the Pacific Ocean. That was also pretty fine. (I got big time rained on and saw a lot of dogs. Victoria BC is a sweet damp town.) Earlier that week, I ran for two slow but happy hungover hours in the snowy sunshine (Edmonton AB, also a sweet town. But a dry cold.)

This morning, I ran a 5k in biting wind in 27 mins, plus I'm sure I did enough weaving to make my actual 5k time something faster, so that's not bad. I'm now trying not to eat every last food ever once an hour, which is what my body thinks we should do when I run hard early in the day.

HOWEVER: the grand problem is distance. Yesterday I ran for 75 minutes, which was all fine, and I kept up the pace (see biting wind) -- but! 75 minutes is way too little running! I need to run 3 hours in two weeks? HOW??? Right now I feel as though 10 miles is a great distance. But who tacked on these other 8 miles? ... Maybe this is why I'm not blogging, because if I do then I will freak out about I'm going to die in a ditch at kilometer 24 in Burlington.

Historically, my approach to making long distances seem sane has been to read obsessively about people running much longer distances, so that in comparison my goal seems less deranged. Currently I'm focused on this ultra that just makes zero sense: The Speed Project, in which relay teams run the 340 miles from the Santa Monica pier in LA to the Welcome to Las Vegas sign. ... There's no official route. It's just like: go there. This is it's third year, and the first year an all women's team is running. I feel it is important to remind oneself that such humans exist. (I mean "humans". Presumably they are timelords with extra lungs and legs and so on.) There is a little movie about it too, that I can't vouch for but I'm probably going to watch this afternoon on the couch under a blanket?

Meanwhile, back among the mortals: tomorrow I teach at the gym, and then Monday I'm gonna run long. 20k. Maybe longer, maybe not, but at least 20.01km. And then we will let me 'taper' even though that's a hilarious concept at this point. ... Still: I will at least aim to go in well-rested and strong. And then we can see what sheer bloodymindedness and the winds of the North Shore can do to get me to the finish line.

TL; DR: if you've been following my running for a while, and you're the praying sort, you might want to get to work on the votive candles and offerings. Thanks in advance.

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