Monday, July 7, 2014

in which the runner gets cocky

remember how i was supposed to do something short and sweet/hard like hill repeats yesterday?

yeah, well. i didn't. i ran 10k. ... i got ready to go and realized i wanted to spend an hour running. after running an hour and a half two days earlier, the fact that my legs were up for it was nice. so, i went for it.

remember how i thought i was getting smart about timing and speed?

yeah, well. once i'd decided to run for an hour, i thought i should be running easier than i have been. 9 minutes miles was the idea, maybe 8:50 since i've been feeling speedy. and i had my garmin on to keep track of pace... but, no. i ran the warm up mile at 8:50 but then the next two closer to 8:30. so then at mile 3 i was like ugh, what do you mean run 3 more? sweat, humid, gasp, ick.

in actual fact i pulled it together kind of impressively, i think: i ran 6.2 miles in 55:30, so that's about 8:50/mile average. but clearly not a negative split. and not smart! (i also realized, for the first time in 8 years of being in this area, that the route i took which is basically to campus and back, is net downhill on the way and net uphill on the way home. nice work.)

anyway, i felt great afterwards. but i really don't like feel like a rookie idiot at mile 3. careful, woman!

meanwhile, today it was hot and sunny and i swam a kilometre in the lovely outdoor pool. hamstrings just a little sore, but mostly great.

two upshots:

1. i guess i'm still up to a little bit of mileage, which is good since i'm running that 12k trail race in less than two weeks.

2. lately all i want to do is run mid-distances, slightly fast. this is a cool development in that that's not usually been a skill of mine, BUT it cannot pay to run these exclusively. wednesday: WILL DO REPEATS.

ok, and i have one more upshot, but it goes in a different post. in a minute.

1 comment:

  1. to clarify: i thought i should be running slower miles 'than i have been' -- *when running fast*. not like on thursday; i ran way faster yesterday than thursday! just in case i come back to this in a year and think i had (already) gone mad.
