Saturday, June 20, 2015

stupidity, tree roots, and peanut butter stealth

yesterday was a complete jackass of a day, in which among other things i got my period literally as i walked out the door to go swimming (so, not doing that apparently) and then real estate frustrations that i won't get into here prevented me from driving to the hour-away evening race i wanted to attend.

so, instead drove to this lake and ran in the woods for 30 minutes. it was great in that the woods were lovely and i wasn't too hot. it was terrible in that i ran 5k and it took me 30 minutes. it wasn't actually terrible in that those woods have a lot of hills and turns and my legs mysteriously already hurt and that's probably a respectable pace. it was however actually terrible when at one point i thought i had more energy and i sped up and caught my foot on a tree root and went flying and landed hard on my hands and knees and i have scrapes! ... ok, only terrible for 15 seconds. but also i only had time for 30 minutes and that wasn't enough.

so, today i am going to go for a longer run, at least an hour but i hope for more. to this end, i did not have oatmeal as my first meal of the day as marathon training eventually taught me that oatmeal + long run before evening = gastrodisastro. which means that i had toast and a thing i like putting on toast in peanut butter.

... and this caused the following problem: in our household, 95% of the peanut butter is consumed by the dog. so applying peanut butter to human food requires stealth and planning -- otherwise the dog decides either that she is being prevented from having dessert, despite the incongruous hour, or that she is about to be locked up while the humans are away for some hours, left cruelly behind with only peanut butter to console her, despite the lack of any other signs to that effect.

anyway, i quickly hid the PB under banana, and gave the dog a pill she wasn't due for an hour, and we were both content enough. now it is time to brace myself and pull up my big girl socks (quite literally) and charge my garmin and then run. wish me luck.

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